Monday, June 24, 2013

How to Make the Most of Your Practice Sessions

Have you ever gone to the range excited to work on your game, only to leave more frustrated than ever? Here are a few tips on how to get more out of your practice sessions.
Have a practice plan. Don't just arrive at the range with the general idea that you are going to work on your game. Pick an area of your game where you want to focus. It could be an area where you struggled the last time you played. Maybe the short irons and distance control need work. Having a focus will create a more productive session.

Write it down!  I always carry a note-pad in my bag where I keep notes on my game. I usually scribble down a brief note when I find something that merits attention. It might be as simple as "I had success with the wedges today when I concentrated on an even tempo back and through the ball". This note will help make my next short iron practice session more productive. If carrying a note-pad seems like a hassle, try your phone.  Many smart phones now have note pad apps, and you can even speak-to-text instead of typing.  A quick and easy way to keep notes on your game!

Warm up and conclusion--start and end your session on a positive note. Warm up with some short shots. Even if your practice plan is to work on your driver, get loose and set a nice tempo before working your way up to the full swing.  When you are finished with your planned work, end your session on a positive note.  My preference is to wrap up the practice session with the scoring clubs--the wedges--choosing a target, and getting the ball as close to it as possible.   It is a valuable habit to start and end your practice session on a positive note; everyone is different, and the key is find our what works best for you!